A sensitive topic for some, but a topic that must be honestly and directly adressed. The claims of the homosexual rights movement aka the rainbow movement.
In the Gemara (Talmud) one Sage asks another: "Why didnt H' destroy the greeks because of that sin (homosexuality)? The other answers, "because they at least did not give sanction and have homosexual marriage". (this is paraphrased from what I remember) The greeks in reality were not homosexuals as we have now. There was no such thing. They were bisexuals. Though the men prefered relations with men, they understood the need to marry women and have children. They were never homosexuals, they were bisexuals. There was really no such thing as homosexuality until the last hundred years. Everyone was agreed, that a man who said I like men, and cannot bring myself to like women, was sick, abnormal. Bisexuality for all its disgustingness, is normal so far as the desire for abnormal relations is natural. The new contention that a person guy can like only men, or a woman only women, is a new teaching, a fabrication. It is a rebellion against G-d in as much as it is a true peversion, a lie. Kabbalistically, the movement can be understood. The rainbow they use, is the colors of the sefirot of zeer anpin, the male. These sefirot receive their blessings from above (Arich Anpin Abba and Imma- Keter Khokhma and Binah, the three partners in the creation of a human being G-d father and mother), but they do not wish to give the blessings on to nukvah de zeer anpin, the woman. They do not want to be partners in creation via procreation, and thus I call them anticreators. They wish to receive all the blessings, and not to use them to elevate this world, or share in creation, the power God The Creator has given us, and commanded us to take part in! They spurn G-d and their parnets who borught them into this world! Similarly the woman who does not want to receive from a man, and bring children into the world, does not want to fulfill her purpose for being on earth, and spurns the blessings. She is nukvah de zeer anpin, Malkhut. She is the culmination of all creation, and that is to bare life, receive and pass on. We are to share in creation with H' the creator His Name should be blessed! The halachic commentators tell us that lesbianism is forbidden in the Torah under the commandment to "Not follow in their ways" - of the nation from which H' took us (Egypt) to the nation where He was taking us (Kenaan). The commentaries tell us that the Egyptians and Kanaanites had homosexual marriage. On the part of Egypt, this has been proven by archeology and historians, that Egypt gave sanction to homosexual marriage. Those nations were completely destroyed. The greeks were not completely destroyed. Before those times, we are told that H' destroyed all of mankind with a flood, because of homosexuality (and theft and other sexual perversions). After the flood God commanded the men to leave the ark with their wives (they had been told to enter men and women separately as they were not to engage in procreation while H' yitbarakh Shemo was destroying his creation) and to befruitful and multiply once again. Noakh did not want to procreate, he felt it was all for naught, he worried that H' would simply destroy all his children eventually, as He had just now His creation. H' gave him a sign, made a covenant with Noakh and his descendants to never again destroy the world by flood. The rainbow. It is not for no reason that the rainbow movement mocks The Creator and the commandment to procreate, with the sign of the covenant that H' would no longer destroy the world. They wave their flag in God's Face! They march in the streets in broad daylight.
The color of Malkhut, nukva de zeer napin the woman, is black, and when it is receiving light (blessings) from zeer napin the man the element of Water, blue. All the colors of the rainbow are the spectum of light which is white. The woman or Malkhut nukva de zeer anpin is the element of Earth, and corresponds to our world. When she is elevated, she becomes Binah Imma Mother, a giver not just a receiver or in the case of rebellion a taker. The man zeer anpin becomes not just a receiver but a giver, and is elevated to Khokhma Abba. The meaning of this world is to receive the blessings from the upper worlds (Heaven) and use them to be elevated. Mitsvat asei lisa ishah - It is a commanment for a man to marry (literally elevate) a woman. Eisav despised the rights of the firstborn, the blessings (preisthood-the tolls of elevation) and wanted only this world, to take the blessings of Heaven, and use them in pursuit of pleasure in this world, in spite of the next world for which the blessings are given, that we may use them in pursuit of the world to come. Choose life. Procreate. In the least, DO NOT ANTICREATE !!!
Share this please.
Two great evils have we committed, H' tells us through Yirmiyahu: "You have forsaken Me your fountain of living waters, and you have hewn out for yourselves cisterns that are broken and arent able to retain water". Chapter 2.
Sunday, 15 June 2014
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Wine On Purim
Drink, and do me a favour friends, drink alot!
Every year in the run-up to Purim, I hear the same convoluted narishkeit about no you dont have to get totally plastered on Purim. A jewish guy of mitsvah age has a mitsvah to get drunk on Purim, and lets not go litvish and start digging in the air with our thumbs until weve watered it down and twisted it around, and come out that one can drink one cup and then immediately go to sleep and like this be yotsei. For that matter oh great minds, thumb-swingers, do us all a favour, and just go to sleep and be quiet. Go to sleep and then you will be patur from this wonderful mitsvah which you denigrate, since while you sleep you obviously cannot fulfill it.
If they cant manage to denigrate and reduce the scope of the mitsvah, so then they exempt themselves since "they get sick" or "they do aveirot" when drunk. Oh please, would you listen to yourselves already. Perhaps while drinking you are obscenely dishonest, avoid the truth, and lie to yourselves and everyone else, since this is what you are doing while sober, in the waking hours, when the wine goes in that is what will come out in spades. Jews are full of Torah and Mitsvot, and time and again that is all I see come out from MY drunken brethren on Purim. Shoudst there be a crass undeveloped individual out there who engages in lashon hara and motsei shem ra, and other sins throughout the year, even from them I have heard Torah come out like a river with tears and joy on Purim.
If you need a clear indication of just what Hazal intend for us drinking-wise on Purim, even though the Gemara is scant and tells us almost nothing about it, you with your sharp Gemara-student Gemara minds are hereby called to judgement by me! The moment yoy FEEL a certain way about something you readily turn your Gemara mind off so as to avoid contradicting your heart with what your mind will then know.
In Megilllah 7B we are told by Hazal that one is obligated to purfume oneself on Purim until one doesnt know the difference between Blessed is Mordechai and Cursed is Haman (actually the other way around vehafochu). For me and MY Rashi the Gemara is quite clear, no thumb in air up and about needed. No wavering and intoning of voice and kippah sliding forth and back and chin grabbing. No need to swing on a shtender and deliberate ade ad. The next part of the Gemara when read by a Gemara student whos head rules over their heart, who follows truth over passion, will read the story of Raba and Rabi Zeira who eat together one Purim and the one shechts the other, killing him, dead, thats right, dead. The next morning he prays for him and H' gives him life back. The next year dear friends when the one says to the other lets do our Purim feast together, the other does not say, yes, but we should follow the Rambam, or the this or that that, or we should but should fulfill the mitsvah by drinking less. Oh no, none of that hoopla! And I am certain these Hahamim new what the mitsvah was all about! The one says no, we cannot rely on miracles. They both seem to have the intention to drink just as readliy and heartily as the previous year, dispite one having murdered his comrad while drunk. They completely intended to DRINK and get DRUNK!
Purim Sameakh!
Every year in the run-up to Purim, I hear the same convoluted narishkeit about no you dont have to get totally plastered on Purim. A jewish guy of mitsvah age has a mitsvah to get drunk on Purim, and lets not go litvish and start digging in the air with our thumbs until weve watered it down and twisted it around, and come out that one can drink one cup and then immediately go to sleep and like this be yotsei. For that matter oh great minds, thumb-swingers, do us all a favour, and just go to sleep and be quiet. Go to sleep and then you will be patur from this wonderful mitsvah which you denigrate, since while you sleep you obviously cannot fulfill it.
If they cant manage to denigrate and reduce the scope of the mitsvah, so then they exempt themselves since "they get sick" or "they do aveirot" when drunk. Oh please, would you listen to yourselves already. Perhaps while drinking you are obscenely dishonest, avoid the truth, and lie to yourselves and everyone else, since this is what you are doing while sober, in the waking hours, when the wine goes in that is what will come out in spades. Jews are full of Torah and Mitsvot, and time and again that is all I see come out from MY drunken brethren on Purim. Shoudst there be a crass undeveloped individual out there who engages in lashon hara and motsei shem ra, and other sins throughout the year, even from them I have heard Torah come out like a river with tears and joy on Purim.
If you need a clear indication of just what Hazal intend for us drinking-wise on Purim, even though the Gemara is scant and tells us almost nothing about it, you with your sharp Gemara-student Gemara minds are hereby called to judgement by me! The moment yoy FEEL a certain way about something you readily turn your Gemara mind off so as to avoid contradicting your heart with what your mind will then know.
In Megilllah 7B we are told by Hazal that one is obligated to purfume oneself on Purim until one doesnt know the difference between Blessed is Mordechai and Cursed is Haman (actually the other way around vehafochu). For me and MY Rashi the Gemara is quite clear, no thumb in air up and about needed. No wavering and intoning of voice and kippah sliding forth and back and chin grabbing. No need to swing on a shtender and deliberate ade ad. The next part of the Gemara when read by a Gemara student whos head rules over their heart, who follows truth over passion, will read the story of Raba and Rabi Zeira who eat together one Purim and the one shechts the other, killing him, dead, thats right, dead. The next morning he prays for him and H' gives him life back. The next year dear friends when the one says to the other lets do our Purim feast together, the other does not say, yes, but we should follow the Rambam, or the this or that that, or we should but should fulfill the mitsvah by drinking less. Oh no, none of that hoopla! And I am certain these Hahamim new what the mitsvah was all about! The one says no, we cannot rely on miracles. They both seem to have the intention to drink just as readliy and heartily as the previous year, dispite one having murdered his comrad while drunk. They completely intended to DRINK and get DRUNK!
Purim Sameakh!
Monday, 17 February 2014
The day to day way of life, for most people on earth has changed drastically in the last 150 years. Transportation and communication has us going at high speeds. Our housing, and the way our communities are laid out, effects the way we live our lives. Most people no longer live an agricultural lifestyle. The jews specifically have been urbanites for some time.
The modern State if Israel, has been developed with these new changes. Housing and layout even of agricultural communities is according to modern western ideals.
The biggest change to life however, is education. Universal education. State dictated schooling. Whereas it used to be, that a jewish boy would go to heder, learning to read and write, and then at a young age apprentice in a trade, he now goes to school for full days until he is 18. If he is to aquire a trade or profession, he goes to college or university. No longer a few short hours of religious instruction, he now attends a full day, and does not apprentice or learn a trade from as young as 5 or 6 or 10, as he used to. This is all wrong. Boys are tied up in their abilities, and need to apply themselves to work skills from a young age. Work ethic must be developed from a young age, it is extremely difficult to develop starting after one turns 18.
Girls also learn as the boys do. Whereas they used to take on chores from a young age, working around the house, and then hiring out to work in others homes from a young age, they now study until they marry. Being as in our religious jewish faith, a young woman is destined to have her own home and children, they always used to keep home and child-mind until they married. Now a young woman marries at a much later age, and has very little experience by comparison, of keeping a home or looking after/raising children. After 13 years of school, we have students not women like we need. After the constant social life of school, it is hard for a gal to adjust to her home upon marrying. Without several years of experience cooking, baking, cleaning, and minding children, she is suddenly expected to pull it all together, and without the social life shes had until this point. Her husband cannot meet her well developed social needs.
Young men are thwarted and crippled, and without any real skills, despare of being able to provide for a family that they so want. They suffer from lack of self-worth.
In a proper and healthy environment, a boy would learn only a few hours in a day, and would have lots of play time when very young, and then would spend alot of time working with the men. Picking fruit, or sheparding animals. Working hides, or writing Holy texts. At 5 Mikra, 10 Mishnah and 15 Gemara. And all the while working and aquiring skills which would allow them to begin earning income even before they marry. In or times they could apprentice with a plumer or kablan, and be up and running their own business once they marry.
A young women can learn pretty much as much as they do now, with a few hours of shiurim in different womens houses throughout the week. Now instead of women struggling managing their houses alone, or with goyishe helpers, they coould pay a young jewish woman to help them in their homes. How many women are struggling, and a Beit Yaakov full of jewish girls is down the street keeping them from you! How happy a gilr would be to know how to sew and knit, bake like a pro and be an experienced cook. How happy they would be, to have years of cleaning experince, full work ethic once they establish their own home.
Housework has been dengrated and dealt a very negative blow thanks to femenism. While education andworking out of the home are glorified!
Marrying later as we do now, causes all manner of problems. In the face of our Sages, who counsel us about proper ages at which to marry, we marry later and later. Young men suffer sexually, and young women grow tougher, accustomed to their happy carefree singleness.
I propose we begin establishing villages in Erets Yisrael, geared towards old fashioned agricultural based economy. Cheap afforadable housing (not cement bunkers like we have), and communal facilites for baking and laundering as all time used to hold. Gals have been cut off in their own houses. Whereas they used to do their chores together, baking in communal ovens, and laundering together, each is in their own house with their machines. Communal washrooms and bath-houses will cut down on the size of ones house, and conserve space. Step away from western free-standing houses, back to mediteranean common-wall housing with courtyards. Surround the town with the orchards and vinyards, and the animals housing and pasture lands.
The kibbutsim and moshavim are not properly set up. They were better in the beggining, but modernized with everyone else. This business of almost all the labour being done by foreign workers and arabs from neighbouring towns is malarky. The kibbutsim decided to have a nice life and dodge having to work for it. Few know about the reality of how the government has to step in to cover the costs of their well lit spreads, watered lawns, sports centers and pools. Many are not paying their own electrical bills. Local moatsas are getting hit up to cover their costs. Over-education also saw to it that their kids who were not anymore going to pick fruit anyways, or trim trees, are off to a good start going off to be lawyers and doctors.
How will we be able to afford to live simpler? Smarter housing, and good old physical labour. Well be healthier and happier. Well be able to work where we live, and actually have work to busy ourselves with.
Our pedestrian villages will be pleasant places to live and work. We can work to eat, and not work to support the banks.
The modern State if Israel, has been developed with these new changes. Housing and layout even of agricultural communities is according to modern western ideals.
The biggest change to life however, is education. Universal education. State dictated schooling. Whereas it used to be, that a jewish boy would go to heder, learning to read and write, and then at a young age apprentice in a trade, he now goes to school for full days until he is 18. If he is to aquire a trade or profession, he goes to college or university. No longer a few short hours of religious instruction, he now attends a full day, and does not apprentice or learn a trade from as young as 5 or 6 or 10, as he used to. This is all wrong. Boys are tied up in their abilities, and need to apply themselves to work skills from a young age. Work ethic must be developed from a young age, it is extremely difficult to develop starting after one turns 18.
Girls also learn as the boys do. Whereas they used to take on chores from a young age, working around the house, and then hiring out to work in others homes from a young age, they now study until they marry. Being as in our religious jewish faith, a young woman is destined to have her own home and children, they always used to keep home and child-mind until they married. Now a young woman marries at a much later age, and has very little experience by comparison, of keeping a home or looking after/raising children. After 13 years of school, we have students not women like we need. After the constant social life of school, it is hard for a gal to adjust to her home upon marrying. Without several years of experience cooking, baking, cleaning, and minding children, she is suddenly expected to pull it all together, and without the social life shes had until this point. Her husband cannot meet her well developed social needs.
Young men are thwarted and crippled, and without any real skills, despare of being able to provide for a family that they so want. They suffer from lack of self-worth.
In a proper and healthy environment, a boy would learn only a few hours in a day, and would have lots of play time when very young, and then would spend alot of time working with the men. Picking fruit, or sheparding animals. Working hides, or writing Holy texts. At 5 Mikra, 10 Mishnah and 15 Gemara. And all the while working and aquiring skills which would allow them to begin earning income even before they marry. In or times they could apprentice with a plumer or kablan, and be up and running their own business once they marry.
A young women can learn pretty much as much as they do now, with a few hours of shiurim in different womens houses throughout the week. Now instead of women struggling managing their houses alone, or with goyishe helpers, they coould pay a young jewish woman to help them in their homes. How many women are struggling, and a Beit Yaakov full of jewish girls is down the street keeping them from you! How happy a gilr would be to know how to sew and knit, bake like a pro and be an experienced cook. How happy they would be, to have years of cleaning experince, full work ethic once they establish their own home.
Housework has been dengrated and dealt a very negative blow thanks to femenism. While education andworking out of the home are glorified!
Marrying later as we do now, causes all manner of problems. In the face of our Sages, who counsel us about proper ages at which to marry, we marry later and later. Young men suffer sexually, and young women grow tougher, accustomed to their happy carefree singleness.
I propose we begin establishing villages in Erets Yisrael, geared towards old fashioned agricultural based economy. Cheap afforadable housing (not cement bunkers like we have), and communal facilites for baking and laundering as all time used to hold. Gals have been cut off in their own houses. Whereas they used to do their chores together, baking in communal ovens, and laundering together, each is in their own house with their machines. Communal washrooms and bath-houses will cut down on the size of ones house, and conserve space. Step away from western free-standing houses, back to mediteranean common-wall housing with courtyards. Surround the town with the orchards and vinyards, and the animals housing and pasture lands.
The kibbutsim and moshavim are not properly set up. They were better in the beggining, but modernized with everyone else. This business of almost all the labour being done by foreign workers and arabs from neighbouring towns is malarky. The kibbutsim decided to have a nice life and dodge having to work for it. Few know about the reality of how the government has to step in to cover the costs of their well lit spreads, watered lawns, sports centers and pools. Many are not paying their own electrical bills. Local moatsas are getting hit up to cover their costs. Over-education also saw to it that their kids who were not anymore going to pick fruit anyways, or trim trees, are off to a good start going off to be lawyers and doctors.
How will we be able to afford to live simpler? Smarter housing, and good old physical labour. Well be healthier and happier. Well be able to work where we live, and actually have work to busy ourselves with.
Our pedestrian villages will be pleasant places to live and work. We can work to eat, and not work to support the banks.
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Right Foot First
The Bnei Yissakhar brings, that the right foot is Netsah, Victory. We need to step forward, our very first step even must be taken with intention to win.
In our befuddled confused times, its even a hidush that we need to take a step! That we should take a step!
Our community & our people, are tired, battered, worn down. We dont put up a fight any more. I know we are tired, I know the circumstances. I know how we got here, and why things are the way they are. I know that most are not up for it, and are rightly trying to simpy get by, hold on. But someone somewhere must be seeing more, must be itching to take back ground. Netsah, Victory, is made new, in that first step.
I want to stand and walk! Our Judaism is a crippled Judaism. There are a variety of reasons for this. I want it to stand and walk again. It is going to do that, because someone against the odds is going to undertake the Victory. This is the work of Nakhshon Ben Aminadav. A single Judahite, going forward up to his nose.
Okay enough of the impassioned rambling. I am hoping beezrat H' to share the things I have seen. My observations, and the desires that well from them. Ill hopefully post from time to time. I am not good at siting sources, so if I dont, please forgive me. I want to, and will try when I can, however I know myself and my way of operating. I personally see just darkness and legions of armies and a sea of water on all sides. I see those who pray. But it is not a time for prayer. Speak to the people, and tell them to go forward!
I muse alot, its my way of getting on. But every now and then I should hopefully share something of worth. My musing ways some will get, will be able to follow in any case.
In our befuddled confused times, its even a hidush that we need to take a step! That we should take a step!
Our community & our people, are tired, battered, worn down. We dont put up a fight any more. I know we are tired, I know the circumstances. I know how we got here, and why things are the way they are. I know that most are not up for it, and are rightly trying to simpy get by, hold on. But someone somewhere must be seeing more, must be itching to take back ground. Netsah, Victory, is made new, in that first step.
I want to stand and walk! Our Judaism is a crippled Judaism. There are a variety of reasons for this. I want it to stand and walk again. It is going to do that, because someone against the odds is going to undertake the Victory. This is the work of Nakhshon Ben Aminadav. A single Judahite, going forward up to his nose.
Okay enough of the impassioned rambling. I am hoping beezrat H' to share the things I have seen. My observations, and the desires that well from them. Ill hopefully post from time to time. I am not good at siting sources, so if I dont, please forgive me. I want to, and will try when I can, however I know myself and my way of operating. I personally see just darkness and legions of armies and a sea of water on all sides. I see those who pray. But it is not a time for prayer. Speak to the people, and tell them to go forward!
I muse alot, its my way of getting on. But every now and then I should hopefully share something of worth. My musing ways some will get, will be able to follow in any case.
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