Sunday, 15 June 2014

Destroy not, but rather give life - The rainbow movement.

A sensitive topic for some, but a topic that must be honestly and directly adressed. The claims of the homosexual rights movement aka the rainbow movement.
In the Gemara (Talmud) one Sage asks another: "Why didnt H' destroy the greeks because of that sin (homosexuality)? The other answers, "because they at least did not give sanction and have homosexual marriage". (this is paraphrased from what I remember) The greeks in reality were not homosexuals as we have now. There was no such thing. They were bisexuals. Though the men prefered relations with men, they understood the need to marry women and have children. They were never homosexuals, they were bisexuals. There was really no such thing as homosexuality until the last hundred years. Everyone was agreed, that a man who said I like men, and cannot bring myself to like women, was sick, abnormal. Bisexuality for all its disgustingness, is normal so far as the desire for abnormal relations is natural. The new contention that a person guy can like only men, or a woman only women, is a new teaching, a fabrication. It is a rebellion against G-d in as much as it is a true peversion, a lie. Kabbalistically, the movement can be understood. The rainbow they use, is the colors of the sefirot of zeer anpin, the male. These sefirot receive their blessings from above (Arich Anpin Abba and Imma- Keter Khokhma and Binah, the three partners in the creation of a human being G-d father and mother), but they do not wish to give the blessings on to nukvah de zeer anpin, the woman. They do not want to be partners in creation via procreation, and thus I call them anticreators. They wish to receive all the blessings, and not to use them to elevate this world, or share in creation, the power God The Creator has given us, and commanded us to take part in! They spurn G-d and their parnets who borught them into this world! Similarly the woman who does not want to receive from a man, and bring children into the world, does not want to fulfill her purpose for being on earth, and spurns the blessings. She is nukvah de zeer anpin, Malkhut. She is the culmination of all creation, and that is to bare life, receive and pass on. We are to share in creation with H' the creator His Name should be blessed! The halachic commentators tell us that lesbianism is forbidden in the Torah under the commandment to "Not follow in their ways" - of the nation from which H' took us (Egypt) to the nation where He was taking us (Kenaan). The commentaries tell us that the Egyptians and Kanaanites had homosexual marriage. On the part of Egypt, this has been proven by archeology and historians, that Egypt gave sanction to homosexual marriage. Those nations were completely destroyed. The greeks were not completely destroyed. Before those times, we are told that H' destroyed all of mankind with a flood, because of homosexuality (and theft and other sexual perversions). After the flood God commanded the men to leave the ark with their wives (they had been told to enter men and women separately as they were not to engage in procreation while H' yitbarakh Shemo was destroying his creation) and to befruitful and multiply once again. Noakh did not want to procreate, he felt it was all for naught, he worried that H' would simply destroy all his children eventually, as He had just now His creation. H' gave him a sign, made a covenant with Noakh and his descendants to never again destroy the world by flood. The rainbow. It is not for no reason that the rainbow movement mocks The Creator and the commandment to procreate, with the sign of the covenant that H' would no longer destroy the world. They wave their flag in God's Face! They march in the streets in broad daylight.
The color of Malkhut, nukva de zeer napin the woman, is black, and when it is receiving light (blessings) from zeer napin the man the element of Water, blue. All the colors of the rainbow are the spectum of light which is white. The woman or Malkhut nukva de zeer anpin is the element of Earth, and corresponds to our world. When she is elevated, she becomes Binah Imma Mother, a giver not just a receiver or in the case of rebellion a taker. The man zeer anpin becomes not just a receiver but a giver, and is elevated to Khokhma Abba. The meaning of this world is to receive the blessings from the upper worlds (Heaven) and use them to be elevated. Mitsvat asei lisa ishah - It is a commanment for a man to marry (literally elevate) a woman. Eisav despised the rights of the firstborn, the blessings (preisthood-the tolls of elevation) and wanted only this world, to take the blessings of Heaven, and use them in pursuit of pleasure in this world, in spite of the next world for which the blessings are given, that we may use them in pursuit of the world to come. Choose life. Procreate. In the least, DO NOT ANTICREATE !!!
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